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Frequently Asked Questions
  • How do I register to vote?

    • You can get the form online, then print it, fill it out completely and sign it. You must mail it in because the law requires that we have your original signature. Click here to print the form​


  • Am I registered?

    • Follow this link to find out if you are already registered, and the latest address we have for you. If your address is current, this will also tell you where to vote: Poll Locator​


  • How old do I need to be to register and vote?

    • You can register when you are 17½, but you cannot vote until you turn 18.​


  • Can I register online?

    • No. The form is available online, but you must physically sign the form and mail it in.​


  • Can I register on Election Day?

    • No. In Georgia you must register by 30 days before the election you want to vote in.​


  • If I register to vote will I be called for jury duty?

    • Not necessarily. The jury system has many types of lists they can use to select jurors, including driver’s license information.​


  • Could my name be deleted from the list of registered voters without my knowledge?

    • Not usually, but it is possible. Any action requires written notice, but if you have moved and not notified us, you may not have received the letter. If you have moved, please check to be sure you are still registered. Click here to check online.​


  • Can I get my name removed from the voting list?

    • Yes. Send a request in writing and we will remove your name from the voting list.​


  • What is a Primary?

    • A primary is a process used by a political party to nominate only (1) candidate for each office. The candidate nominated for each office will then run against the candidates selected by other parties in the General Election.​


  • Why do I have to choose Republican or Democratic?

    • The Republican and Democratic parties are the two parties in Georgia that conduct Primaries. Qualified candidates of other parties, as well as independent candidates, will appear on the November General Election ballot.​


  • How do I change the party I am registered in?

    • We don't register in a party in Georgia. Each time there is a Primary, you select which party's Primary you want to vote in. The only restriction is that if there is a Runoff, you must vote in the same party's Runoff. In General Elections, all candidates are on the same ballot, and you may vote however you choose in each race​


  • Why can’t I vote for some candidates on the Republican ballot and some candidates on the Democratic ballot?

    • Georgia law requires that you vote in only one party’s Primary during each election cycle.​


  • If I didn’t vote in the Primary, can I vote in the Runoff?

    • Yes. If you didn’t vote in the Primary, you can select either party to vote in the Runoff.​


  • What if there is no Runoff in my party in my precinct?

    • Then you don’t need to go to vote in the Runoff.​


  • If there is no Runoff in my precinct in the party I selected in July, can I vote in the other party’s Runoff in August?

    • No. Georgia law requires that you vote in only one party’s Primary during each election cycle.​


  • If I don’t vote in the Primary or Runoff, can I still vote in the November General Election?

    • Yes. In November all the candidates appear on the same ballot and you can vote for whoever you choose.​



  • Do I need my Voter Precinct Card to be able to vote?

    • No. Your Voter Precinct Card is for your information only. It tells you where to vote, and what districts you live in. To vote in person you must have one of the 6 allowable types of Photo I.D. Many people use their Georgia Driver's License. A free Voter I.D. is available at our office if you don't have any other allowable type. Click here to get the whole list.​


  • How do I change my address?

    • You can get the form online, then print it, fill it out completely and sign it. You must mail it in because the law requires that we have your original signature. Click here to print the form.​


  • Why do I need to notify the Elections Office of my new address if I still live in Monroe County?

    • ​The ballot you vote is determined by your residence address. The law requires that you give us your current address so that you will vote the correct ballot.


  • Once I register, how long does my registration remain in effect?

    • Your registration remains in effect as long as you live at the same address. If you move, you must notify us.​


  • I moved within Monroe County and didn't notify the Elections Office by the deadline. Can I still vote?

    • Yes, you have two options.

      • You may vote in person during Early or Advance Voting.

      • You may vote on Election Day at your old polling place (the one assigned to your previous address)


  • What is the difference between Absentee Voting, Early Voting and Advance Voting?

    • These are all names for your various options to vote in person before Election Day. 

    • Early Voting is available at the Main Office, 38 West Main Street, Forsyth, Georgia 31029, Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. For federal elections, it will open 45 days prior to the election. The opening date varies for other elections.

    • Absentee Voting is voting any place or any time except at your poll on Election Day. It includes Vote-by-Mail as well as Early and Advance Voting.

    • Advance Voting is a special name for the one week prior to Election Day when we may have multiple locations available, or possibly extended voting hours.


  • Does my Early/Absentee/Advance vote or Vote-by-Mail ballot really count?

    • ​Absolutely! All Absentee and Vote-by-Mail ballots are counted on Election Night along with all of the votes cast in person during Early Voting, Advance Voting and at the polls. Unofficial Results are released before the staff can leave on Election Night. Military and Overseas Citizens' ballots that are received Wednesday through Friday, and were postmarked by Election Day, are added on Friday. The results become Official after they are certified by the Monroe County Election Superintendent on Friday.


  • How can I or my spouse vote early if we are out of town on all the weekdays you are open?

    • ​You may take advantage of Vote-by-Mail. You may download the application and fax or mail it to us. Also a spouse may apply on behalf of the absent partner. We will mail a ballot either to your Monroe County address or to your out of town address. Click here for more information about Vote-by-Mail.


  • How can I get an Absentee Ballot for my son or daughter who is away at college?

    • Your student may download the application himself and fax or mail it to us. Or you may apply on his behalf, and sign your name and your relationship to him. In either case, the ballot will be mailed to his address at college. Of course if he will be in town during the Early or Advance Voting periods, he is welcome to come in and vote in person.

    • If your student has already received a ballot by mail, and then it turns out he is in town, he should bring the mailed ballot with him when he comes to vote in person.


  • Can I register and then do Early Voting the same day?

    • No, we do not have same day registration in Georgia. If you come to Early Voting and your registration is not yet finalized in our computer, you will be allowed to vote a Provisional Ballot.​


  • Can I take ballot to a relative who is in the hospital?

    • No. Georgia law allows (but does not require) ballots to be taken to hospitals, but only by Elections staff members. We do not have enough personnel to accommodate those requests. Please take advantage of Vote-by-Mail for any ailing relatives or friends. Click here for Vote-by-Mail information.​


  • I have a disability--how can I get help with voting?

    • For Federal elections, if you vote in person you may receive assistance from anyone except an agent of your employer or an agent of your union. Usually whoever drives you to the poll or to the Early or Advance Voting site can assist you. If you arrive alone, you may request any other voter in the precinct to assist you. If you vote by mail, there are places on the forms for the signature of whoever assists you.

    • In all other elections, any elector who is entitled to receive assistance in voting shall be permitted by the managers to select (1) any elector, except a poll officer or poll watcher, who is a resident of the precinct in which the elector requiring assistance is attempting to vote; or (2) the mother, father, sister, brother, spouse, or child of the elector entitled to receive assistance. No person shall assist more than 10 electors in any primary, election, or runoff.

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